A.S.A.P. Awards
Have you noticed or been impacted by an individual, group, business or organization doing their part to make our community better?
We want to know about those persons/organizations who are helping A.S.A.P. (America Solve America's Problems) in the Prince George's County, MD community.
At our home games this season we will recognize 36 of those persons/organizations etc. (4 per home game).
But we need your help in identifying them, so please do so by filling out the nomination form. We will then review the information of each nominee.
Those selected will be honored during the game with the most relatable theme night
with a certificate of recognition; and we will feature them on our social media, website, newsletter, game day booklet and in news releases.
Thank you in advance!
Ideal nominees:
Veterans organizations
Service clubs
Ministry Leaders
Chambers of Commerce
Minority organizations
Youth organizations
Elderly organizations
Male organizations
Women's organizations
International organizations
Local heroes
Organizations for homeless
Food banks/organizations
Job/Career organizations
Public safety/violence prevention organizations
Transportation organizations
This list is not all inclusive and not the only A.S.A.P. categories that we are interested in hearing about.